Thursday, August 31, 2006

These pictures are a pain to put up!
This is at one of the IDP camps out side of Lira.
I had to stand on top of the 18 wheeler to get this shot.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I am in Lyra again but not with bobby I have been living here for the past 3 weeks and possibly longer. I have been working for Civicon which it is a distributing company for the IDP camps for Lyra, Pader and Kitgum. So I have been makeing sure the trucks are going out gettting loaded and coming back fixing them. Pretty much making sure they are doing there jobs. I am learning that no matter what kind of buisness there is corruption. The manager of this operation is who I met through bobby and who I have been living with, he is 27 and from South Africa and the culture difference is there!! in food, English, manners, everything. So that is a little hard to get used to. But I am learning. I am even learning how to cook allot as well. You see in College I had Mac and Cheese all the time and so now here in Africa especially here in Lyra I have to cook with real food and real utincles. No micro-wave, no toaster, no oven. I like it though, I am learning to cook more practically than I would in the states. I got to go on a safari not by choice. We were in Kitgum last week and we were staying with some of Ben's friends that he met here in Africa they are Muzungus from South Africa and they said you cant come up all this way with out going to Kidepo. Which is a national wildlife park. But first the South Africans that I stayed with man that was a crazy experience. The 40yr man greeted me with a hand shake on the couch with no shirt and a sa-rong (skirt thingy) with a beer in one hand and my hand in the other. But pretty cool guy. So they insisted that we go to Kidepo which is on the Sudan border near Keyna. And so they have a tribe up there that are so dangerous that even the LRA fear them so the 3 hour drive up there was pretty intense. But it was just beautiful there. I got chased down by a Wild African Elephant. there is one good pic that Ben took of me running away from that mad elephant that I am hesitant to post but this pic is right before I got a little too close in his territory. My plan was that I was to be in Lyra for just a week in a half but has turned out to be 3 weeks. So we just got back from Kidepo yesterday and it has been 2 and a half weeks since I have been in Kampala I have no guitar, no hot water, no money, no ATM to get money no Americans, no American food, no Indian food, no any food, or any thing to cook food in if we even did have food. So it is funny because those things is not the hardest thing for me. The one thing that has been hard is that I have not been around any Christians. I never realized that in my in tire life that I have always had a christian with me since I can remember. But what a great comfort zone to get out of. I mean Jesus hung out with non Christians. He hung out with the hobos and the poor and Prostitutes! He of coarse had his 12 disciples and me I cant wait to go to Church in Kampala and talk to friends in 4 days but man It has been a great experience to be with these guys and the kids as well that are lost and are hungry physicaly and spirtuatly. And I look foward to see where God has me.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I don't have acess
I barley have any time to type this but I want to let yall know that I can't write long thought filled stories with the time that I have been given.
I have been driving stick left handed in a land cruiser that is alot of fun I have to go sorry
I have been driving stick left handed in a land cruiser that is alot of fun I have to go sorry
Monday, August 14, 2006
I have been in Lyra for one week and have been loading and unloading big truck of food gas whatever. I have been pulling trucks out of the mud they get stuck quite often. Doing some mechanicle work. Driving mechanics to broken down trucks on the side of the road in the middle of there journy.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
I can't think of a chezzy title
Ok so I am going to Lira for 2 week tomorrow and be working and living with Ben who is a single guy in his 30s that is South African. I will be loading huge trucks with food for them to take to places all over Uganda to where is needed. It is with the World Food Program so I will be working unofficially for the UN. It is about a 6 hour drive to Lira whoever was asking. Sorry about that last entry about asking for your comments when I didn't realize that you have to be a so called "blogger" to comment. In fact I really didn't even need comment I just wanted to know if anyone was reading it. Baby Robert IV is 17lb. at only 3 months, nice and big and healthy.