Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Creatures and Grub

The 2 most common questions I have had so far from yall are: What kind of animals do you see? and what kind of food are you eating?
So the equivalent to squirrels would be goats and the equivalent to grackles(black birds) would be chickens. Goats and Chickens are every where even in the city. My first morning when I woke up here in Africa I woke up to a rooster that was a little confused of what time it was 5:06 am. So I got up thinking that the sun would come up because for some reason I thought roosters do their wake-up-call right before the sun comes up, well I was wrong. They Cock-a-doodle-do whenever they please.They are lots of birds here big birds like pelican looking storks that go through trash as do the chickens and goats as well. Come to think of it everything here goes through the trash here. There are more stray dogs than there are ones with homes most of them are Heinz 57 mutts but. The Micklers found some one who had lab puppies and got two labs Blacky and Brownie go figure who named them. Oh and I did see some baboons on the side of the road eating some road kill on my way to Kenya. But from what I hear you don't want to stop and get a picture of them they got a pare of teeth on them.
As fare as African food here there is a tortilla like bread that they call chapities it is a little bit more doughy but good and if you put eggs in it it is called a "rolex" like a breakfast taco. Matoke is boiled bananas mashed like potato's, muzungus don't really like Matoke. Beans and rice are of plenty. There is allot of Indian food hear there is lots of Indians here. But I am spoiled here I have been getting home maid American food from Downie who is an amazing cook (sorry mom) but I have never had so much home maid food my gosh it is great I didn't even know some of the food I have had could be home maid.

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