Wednesday, May 31, 2006


How's The Fresh Air Taste Like? No Really I would like to know

Did I tell anybody that I was going to die of second hand smoke from my fellow workers back in the states that would smoke 2 packs with in my 8 hour day every day. Well I am not going to die from that anymore, I mabey have seen one or two people smoking. But I will die of cunsumption of Desile. I might as well drink the stuff, I breath it like a fish in the sea. No matter how you are transported you consume it. Most of the time I ride a "boda boda" (scooter taxi) where you are right up on cars tails weaving in and out and if you are in a car, everybody has the windows down to save petrol (gas), same in the house no A/C which is fine but beathing desile is not fine. Sweating at night, having no ice, having bad or no tools, having no Dr.Pepper, having no queso or having no velvita or anything like it to make queso, having to smell body oder, having to take cold showers, having no electricty I CAN DEAL with not a problem. But breathing Desiel I can't take.

Holy cow! either something is wrong with my speel check or I just did a whole blog entry perfectly.

ok something is wrong with the spell check because I totaly spelled spell speel
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